As an Australian company, we’ve been getting incredible concern and support from friends, family, customers, and strangers to see how our team is faring during these #bushfires. Fortunately, our team is safe, but there are many thousands who are not, and are facing absolute devastation due to the bushfires ravaging Australia. We’re incredibly grateful for all the firefighters and organisations around the nation and we feel it’s only right to help as much as we can.
All profits from the next 24 hours will be donated to help with relief.
An even better option is to donate directly to the amazing organisations working to control the fires and care for those affected and the countless others who are risking their lives. Below you can find links to directly donate to organisations helping the cause.
All profits from the next 24 hours will be donated to help with relief.
An even better option is to donate directly to the amazing organisations working to control the fires and care for those affected and the countless others who are risking their lives. Below you can find links to directly donate to organisations helping the cause.
You can also reach out to your favourite brands, people and organisations and encourage them to contribute. ❤
Hi there 🤗
I truly admire you for donating 100% of your profits for 24 hours as a donation to help with bushfire relief!!!
Best Regards,
Sally Rowe
Bless you all for your commitment to the planet through your company vision and mission statement. Once again, you’re stepping up to do your part for which I applaud you. Last night I forwarded your email to everyone in my contacts hoping to give more exposure to your business and your mission to provide aide in the face of the devastating wildfires.
I hope you all are safe, that your facilities are unaffected and that you are wildly successful in your efforts to provide assistance fighting the fires and building a new New South Wales in its aftermath. With warmest regards, Jeri McClure-
When will you be getting more stock of the lined hardcover A5 books back into stock ?
Many thanks
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